How to use Facebook ads to promote your hair business?

Hello, every hair extensions business owners, today the business blog is updating, and the topic is about how to use Facebook ads to promote the hair business. If you know nothing about this concept, just see this passage. We will list some actionable steps and help you to know more about this Facebook ad. Business learning never ends, get to know the ways to promote your hair business here.

When talking about Facebook ads, I believe many people will not be unfamiliar. Facebook is a social media platform that users all over the world, and it is not doubted that it is the largest social network in the world, and active users have always been high. If you take this chance to promote your business, you can easily show your website or products to your audiences. Just see the statistics below.


A quick view of the content:

1.Facebook ads brief introduction

2.Types of Facebook ads

3.The different effect form of advertising

4.How to advertise on Facebook: a step-by-step guide

5. Tips for running Facebook ads


1.Facebook ads brief introduction


The Facebook family supports multiple advertising types across Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger. Each ad has two components: The format (what it looks like) and the placement (where it will be displayed).

This guide outlines the requirements for advertisements in each format and placement. Please refer to it for specs such as dimensions, file sizes, and character limits.

 Facebook wall decor

2.Types of Facebook ads


  • Photo

Photo ads offer a clean, simple format to feature engaging imagery and copy. Convey who you are and what you do through high-quality images or illustrations.

  • Video

Tell your story with sight, sound and motion. Video ads come in a range of lengths and styles – from short, feed-based ads that you watch on the go, to longer videos that you watch on the sofa.

  • Stories

Stories are a customizable, edge-to-edge experience that lets you immerse people in your content. Tap into their passions and inspire them to take action on mobile.

  • Messenger

Messenger ads help people start conversations with your business. Get personal with current or potential customers and add interactive or automated features.

  • Carousel

Carousel ads let you showcase up to ten images or videos in a single ad, each with its own link. Highlight different products or tell a brand story that develops across each card.

  • Slideshow

Slideshow ads are video-like ads made of motion, sound and text. These lightweight clips help you tell your story beautifully across devices and connection speeds.

  • Collection

Collection ads let people discover, browse and buy what you offer. People can tap an ad to learn more about a specific product, all within a fast-loading experience.

  • Playables

Playable ads offer people an interactive preview before they download an app. Find higher intent users for your app with this try-before-you-buy experience.


3.The different effect form of advertising

  • Boost your posts
  • Promote your Page
  • Send people to your website
  • Increase conversions on your website
  • Get installs of your app
  • Increase engagement in your app
  • Reach people near your business
  • Raise attendance at your event
  • Get people to claim your offer
  • Get video views
  • Collect leads for your business


4.How to advertise on Facebook: a step-by-step guide

  • Set up a Facebook Page

Create a free business Page in minutes, your business name and description, 2. A profile photo and cover photo.  

  • Set up a Facebook ad

Create your ad account is simple, just click the Facebook ad page to set up your ads account.

  • Choose an object

Brand awareness: Introduce your brand to a new audience.

Reach: Expose your ad to as many people in your audience as possible.

Traffic: Drive traffic to a specific web page, app, or Facebook Messenger conversation.

Engagement: Reach a wide audience to increase the number of post engagements or Page Likes, increase attendance at your event, or encourage people to claim a special offer.

App installs: Get people to install your app.

Video views: Get more people to watch your videos.

Lead generation: Get new prospects into your sales funnel.

Messages: Encourage people to contact your business using Facebook Messenger.

Conversions: Get people to take a specific action on your website (like subscribe to your list or buy your product), with your app, or on Facebook Messenger.

Catalog sales: Connect your Facebook ads to your product catalog to show people ads for the products they are most likely to want to buy.

Store traffic: Drive nearby customers to brick-and-mortar stores.

  • Choose your audience

With Core Audiences, you set the rules for where your ads are delivered. Adjust your target audience to be as broad or well-defined as you like, based on the following criteria.

  • Choose a format

  • Set up a budget

Total budget: A total budget is a maximum amount you'll spend on an ad until it stops running. For example, if you set a total budget of USD 25, you'll be charged up to USD 25.

Daily budget: A daily budget is an average amount you'll spend on your ad each day. For example, if you set a daily budget of USD 5 over the course of five days, you'll be charged up to USD 25 in total.

  •  Measure your ads

Log in to Ads Manager.

Get relevant analytics.

Find what's working.

 person using laptop browsing facebook application

  1. Smart tips for running Facebook ads
  • Showcase your brand – early and often

The first few seconds of your ad matter, a lot. The most effective mobile-first video ads include branding in the first three seconds and convey a brand's key message in a quick, easy to understand and attention-grabbing way.

  • Design for sound-off, but delight with sound-on

Successful videos designed for sound-off are visually delightful, with a clear focal point and a super-clear message. Yet 60% of global Instagram Stories ads are viewed with sound on2, so add an auditory experience to your ad as well.

  • Every moment is a chance to capture the attention

With audiences swiping quickly through their feeds, your brand must make a real impact in just a few seconds. Bring your most exciting frame to the front. People consume content 41% faster on mobile News Feed than on desktop News Feed and recall content at a significantly higher rate.

  • Find the balance between the message and time

A mobile-first approach requires a different type of storytelling. Make your videos as short as they can be and as long as they need to be. Please note: shorter is better. Ads under 15 seconds work best in feed, and the top-performing Stories ads are under 10 seconds in length.

  • Build for where people are

Get playful with video framing and maximize the space that mobile video allows. People use their phones vertically 98% of the time5, so build ads to match how people consume content.

  • Get out of your comfort zone – and experiment

Top-performing mobile ads have an element of surprise. Introducing strong design elements may seem intimidating, but it can make ads more effective. Be creative, and test, learn and adapt.

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After learning this guide of how to set up your Facebook ad account to run a hair extension business, I believe your business will make more profits. And you should always keep seeing your competitors’ ads on Facebook, and make your Facebook ad gain more sales or attention.

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